
Jaemin Cho ('07)

Ph.D. ('2013)

Place of Employment: University of Ulsan (울산대학교)

Jihyun Kim ('12)

M.S. ('2014)

Place of Employment: Seoul Institute of Technology (서울기술연구원) (2020 - )

Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (한국해양과학기술원) (2016 - 2020)

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (한국표준과학연구원) (2014 - 2016)

Yuna Rhee ('09)

Ph.D. ('2014)

Place of Employment: Risk Management Department of Korea Development Bank (한국산업은행)

Kyeong Tae Kim ('09)

Ph.D. ('2015)

Place of Employment:  크래프트테크놀로지스 (2023 - )

Hana TI Hana Institute of Technology (하나금융융합기술원) (2019 - 2022)

Samsung Economics Research Institute(삼성경제연구소) (2016 - 2019)

Seyoung Park ('09)

Ph.D. ('2015)

Place of Employment: University of Nottingham (2020 - )

Loughborough University (2017 - 2019)

The Credit Finance Association of Korea (여신금융협회) (2015 - 2016)

Risk Management Institute, National University of Singapore (싱가포르 국립 대학) (2016 - 2017)

Seungkyu Lee ('11)

Ph.D. ('2015)

Place of Employment:  SCHPERICS (2023 - )

Hana TI Hana Institute of Technology (하나금융융합기술원) (2021 - 2022)

WorldQuant (월드퀀트) (2016 - 2021)

Hyun-Tak Lee ('10)

Ph.D. ('2016)

Place of Employment: Samsung Electronics (삼성전자) (2023 - )

Korea Asset Management Corporation (한국자산관리공사) (2018 - 2023)

Risk Management Institute, National University of Singapore (싱가포르 국립 대학) (2016 - 2018)

Hyeon-Wuk Tae ('12)

Ph.D. ('2018)

Place of Employment: Shinhan Investment (신한금융투자) (2021 - )

KB Securities (KB증권) (2019 - 2021)

Jin-Gi Kim ('14)

Ph.D. ('2021)

Place of Employment:  KAKAO (2023 - )

Samsung SDS (금융사업부-Senior Consultant / 2021 - 2022)

Do Yeon Kim ('19)

M.S. ('2021)

Place of Employment:  Ph.D Student, POSTECH (포항공과대학교) (2023 - )

Heungkuklife  (2022)

Fnguide (디지털혁신본부 AI팀 연구원) (2021 - 2022)

 Byung-June Kim ('17)

     Ph.D. ('2021) 

     Place of Employment: atz trading (2024 - )

NCSOFT (AI 연구소/금융AI) (2021 - 2023)

Tae Yoon Kim ('16)

     Ph.D. ('2022

     Place of Employment: Worldquant (2022 - )

Sung-Jin Jo ('20)

M.S. ('2022)

Place of Employment: 키움증권 (2022 - )

Minju Kim ('21)

     M.S. ('2023)

     Place of Employment:  JB금융지주 (2023 - )

Jiwon Chae ('18)

    Ph.D. ('2024)

    Place of Employment: 현대해상화재보험 (2024 - )

Changeun Kim ('22)

     M.S. ('2024)

     Place of Employment:  FnPricing (2024 - )